In this year of incredible uncertainty, we on the board of the Ute Pass Symphony Guild want to assure you that we are doing our very best to make reasonable and responsible decisions regarding the Symphony Above the Clouds concert this year.
As you can imagine, it is extraordinarily difficult to predict what will happen. While the Middle School and both the City of Woodland Park and Teller County remain committed to the concert, as well as the many other summer events scheduled this year, everything depends on the decisions made by Governor Polis’ office. We understand that they also are making the best decisions possible based on limited and constantly changing information.
With all of that in mind, please be assured that we will go forward with Symphony Above the Clouds if it is at all reasonable and prudent to do so. You will notice a pledge form included in the fundraising information. We have included that option so that if you feel insecure about donating under such uncertain conditions, then you may pledge an amount. That amount would then be due by June 10. We have also decided to create a separate account and deposit all monies collected for this year’s concert into that account. If the concert is not held this year because of the corona virus, then those funds will be held to use for next year’s concert and not used for any other purpose.
We so appreciate your understanding and support and have great hope that we will see everyone on July 5.